Time that you enjoyed wasting is not a waste of time


- • - D O R O T H Y • S A Y S - • -
“Time that you enjoyed wasting is not a waste of time”

Do you ever feel guilty for just sitting and staring out of the window with a cup of tea? getting out some craft supplies and having a 'play' or (insert favourite activity here) if it feels you should be being much more productive especially during lockdown, because everyone else is decluttering, learning another language, making sourdough...... I could go on.

Well Dorothy is here to remind you to - Give your self a break - slowing down and doing something you enjoy even if is seemingly nothing, is so good for us - It is so easy to get caught up in being busy. Of course, moving forward with your goals is important but so is stopping and taking the time to let your mind wander.

My favourite way to wile away some time is with a cuppa and a window, just watching, listening and daydreaming - this is when ideas percolate- Hit replay or Let me know in the comments, your favourite way to just stop for a while, and no feeling guilty!!!

This original quote has been attributed to many people, including John Lennon, Bertrand Russell and T S Elliot - x -

If you struggle to let go of all of the things on your to do list, and just stop for a while, Here’s a few of my favourite things to do to just be still and quiet for a while.


Nothing keeps you still and quiet for a long time, like getting lost in a book, and if it’s in bed and with a cup of tea……. even better :)

Photo by Laura Chouette



Meditation doesn’t have to be a big mysterious event, 10 minutes, just focussing on your breath, and simply watching your thoughts and letting them go is really calming

Photo by Ksenia Makagonova



Taking some time to write down your thoughts stills the mind and gets them out of your busy head

Photo by Noémi Macavei-Katócz



Grab your sketchbook and pencil and draw whatever is around you without any expectation of how it may turn out

Photo by Micheile Henderson


Have a lie in

Some of my best ideas arrive when I’m just going to sleep or just waking up, that time between wake and sleep - treat yourself to some stillness, don’t rush to get out of bed. Just be, and let your thoughts wander

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez


My personal favourite

Head outside with a cuppa, find a perch, watch and listen to the birds, insects and movement of the plants, it’s amazing what you’ll notice

Photo by Loverna Journey

I would love to know what you do to just give yourself some space and to stop for a while. Do you make a point of regularly doing a slow and still activity or does that feel too frivolous and unproductive? If you a busy bee, pick one of the activities above and give it a go, see what difference it actually makes to your productivity and general wellbeing :)

Michaela and Dorothy - x -

Michaela Bere

Hi I’m Michaela, I make handmade eco conscious notebooks and stationery that I personalise on my vintage typewriter Dorothy.


Big plans call for a bigger notebook


Welcome to Daisy, my new hand platen press